If the badger is causing a hazard on the road, please, put your hazard lights on to protect both you and the badger. Do not approach too closely, badgers can be very dangerous, and you don’t know the extent of its injuries. If it seems very badly wounded, and you can see blood, etc., then, please, call us and we will try and send someone out. Otherwise, the badger may well just be shocked. Remain with it for 20 minutes or so, and see if it moves off. Do not try to pick it up!
Even the smallest badger cub can have a powerful bite, so keep clear from the dangerous end! If you can, cover it with a blanket, contain it in some way, and call us (or your local centre) for help.
Do not try to touch or pick up the cub, even the smallest badger cub can have a powerful bite! Also, once your scent is on the cub, it will have very little chance of being accepted back into the sett. If it is very small, it is possible that the cub may have been orphaned - they do not usually stray far from their sett unless something is wrong. Put down some water and cat food, if possible - it may be very hungry and desperate for food. If the cub is big enough to have been weaned, there may be nothing to worry about, but, please, watch to see if a parent comes looking for it. If it is walking well and calling out, please, leave it alone; if crossing a road, you can ensure its safe passage. However, if it is shivering or collapsed and has its eyes closed, call your local rescue centre.
Unless very small, even cubs can give a very nasty bite if they feel threatened. Only attempt to pick it up if you can wrap it up in a blanket and put it into a strong pet carrier. Extreme caution and thick gloves will be needed! The best course of action is to wait for an expert to come and collect the cub for you. Always call the Wolcottsville Wildlife Rescue, Inc. or another centre for advice, first.
Do not attempt to free the badger yourself, they are very dangerous. Also, do not go too close to the badger, as it can cause it to become very stressed and possibly do itself more damage. Please, call us and we will send a rescuer.
Badgers are diggers, so, usually, the presence of big holes in flowerbeds/lawns is a sign. Please, call a local badger group (see list at the bottom of this page), who will give you more advice/check the area for you.
Badgers are protected under law, and cannot be moved. You can contact your local badger group, who will give you more advice, and may assess the situation for you.
Please, contact your local council, who will advise you on how to dispose of it; some councils may come and collect. Otherwise, you can put it into an overgrown area, and let nature take its course, which is the best option.
If the badger is found during the period January – April, please, check to see if there are teats, to see if it is a female, and to see if there are any signs that she may have young – heavy, drooping nipples or milk escaping (lactating). If you see any of these signs, there may well be young, nearby. Please, contact the Wolcottsville Wildlife Rescue, Inc., your local wildlife centre or your local badger group. In Surrey, this will be the West/East Surrey Badger Group, who will go out to search for signs of a sett and listen out for the call of young.